Monday, October 6, 2008


Our beautiful Elizabeth dressed for her first day at church. FBC Galveston has some MAJOR damage from IKE but we are now having church there on Sundays. I did not take Elizabeth to church for the first 2 months of her life, then IKE hit so she didn't get to go until this past Sunday. Everyone loved her! She is so big now! 13 pounds, loves to stand up, has great head control- as you can see from the picture, and coo's up a storm!
Update on MD appt ~ she does not have ANYTHING wrong with her ears.. or any other part of her body! She is just a toot! AND some good news............... she took a bottle 2 times today!
Praise the LORD!
Love to you all!
Me and E


Janna said...

This was such a great post to read! I didn't know y'all got to go back to having service on the island. I'm so excited to know that for everyone of you...even in need of repair, there is no place like home.
Yeah for Elizabeth finally getting to be apart of it as well. Her strength was fun to see yesterday. She does hold and move that head around so easily and with determination.
Yeah for knowing the bottle can be used on the trip! I'm wondering if this is one of those God's timing things...humm.

Mandy said...

SO CUTE!!!! I miss my friend.. Call me when you get back from Florida so I can come see my girls!!! I MISS YOU!

Unknown said...

She is such a cutie! I had wondered about the state of FBC, and am so glad to hear it is standing.